
For schools and colleges

Independent Learners' Toolkit

Explore our virtual university campus to find out what university life is like

Independent Learners' Toolkit is an online game experience that will help raise your students' awareness of the independent nature of university life. Research shows that many students are unprepared for the transition from school or college to university and that the more we can help prepare students for this change, the more likely they will be to succeed and achieve at university.

Students can play games in the Students' Union, watch videos in the library and get useful hints and tips from current university students and tutors in the lecture theatre.

The course is aimed at Year 11-13 students, and can be delivered as part of a sixth form induction day, form time and/or enrichment sessions. Ideally students will have access to the course via a PC or an iPad. Students should each have their personal logins which will keep track of their progress on the course. Students could complete the course as individuals in 20-30 minutes, but ideally each section will lead to class discussions around a variety of different aspects linked to university life; busting myths, and aligning expectations.

The resource can be accessed through our . Please note, students will need to create an account with their email address to access this page.

Teacher Resource

The gives you the Big Ideas for each section of the course/campus and the Big Questions that will lead discussions. Student handouts are provided, and include a pre/post course survey, complete list of the Big Questions and a Next Steps activities sheet.

Independent Learners' Toolkit is a great resource to use in your sixth form tutorials. I got all my students to sign up for a personal account so they could complete the activities at home.


Careers Strategy

The Government's Careers Strategy uses the Gatsby Benchmarks to set out a range of requirements that schools and colleges must meet. We have matched all of our activities to these, and this activity can support you with meeting benchmark 1 and 2.

Booking information

Year 12 and 13 students and students in FE 1 and FE 2 can individually.